Sign In
Creat an account on MARGEM’s website it is very easy, it helps you to access and manage all the information about your orders.
By e-mail and password
To create an account on the website you should click on the Register option, you will need to provide a valid email address and create your own password.
The password should be easy to remember and you should also take note of it and keep it in a safe place so you can use it in case you forget your password, nevertheless you can always use the function “Lost my password.”.
You will receive an e-mail that confirms and validates that you are interested in sign in.
Forgot your password?
No need to worry, your account is still secure and you will not lose any of the benefits. Simply click this button, enter your email, so we can send you a new password, which you can then change to another that is easier to memorize.
Already have an account?
Then you only have to log in to your account by entering the email and password that you have used to register.
Your information always up to date
Your account gives you live access to the information about your ongoing orders, or those you have already made, without any mistakes. Information is always up to date and easy to understand.